Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The easiest way to increase Referrals?

You must understand that bringing referral is not that easy, even if using this guide and it only depends on how far you stick to it. Your hardworking will bare fruit in the future. Use it as your major equipment in your plans. "Hardworking comes a Great Success".

  1. Freebie Forums. Freebie Forums are an EXCELLENT place for a beginner (and even advanced trader) to get referrals. There are a number of great freebie trading forums out there. Ex:,, this site were offering free advertisement.

  2. Traffic Exchanges. This is one I tried, but it can be good for, yes you guessed it, driving traffic to your website, which can then be converted into referrals if you play your cards right. Try this GUIDE

  3. Blogging. You are here at my blog. I’m not sure how you got here, but you are obviously here. This blog gets me referrals on a regular basis. Blogging is great because it can generate good traffic, and if you do it right, it can bring a good amount of referrals. How to Create BLOG?

  4. Social Networking Sites like Facebook, myspace etc. Social networking sites are the wave of the present. They are spreading like wildfire and are a very fun and exciting way to connect with the rest of the world. I recommend using Facebook or Friendster if you live in the Philippines they will become a great asset to find more referrals. What to do? view GUIDE

  5. Friends and Family. You could try to invite your friends it could be the most powerful tool to gain more referrals. Explain to them in the proper place and time, I been laughed once by my friends when I do this. But actually I prefer to use this strategy because it don't require much knowledge using the internet.

  6. Offline Marketing. This is another huge one. In this economy today, people are desperately looking for ways to make money. Putting up Fliers, handing out business cards, advertising in the Sunday newspaper – these are all great ways of getting the word out there and getting referrals.

  7. Craigslist. This is a touchy one, because there are some strict rules that you need to follow, but some of the people I know who get the most referrals for Freebie Sites, get them from Craigslist. I’m not going into the technique of it in this article, but I will do that hopefully soon. Just know that there is a lot of potential using craigslist.

  8. Article Marketing. This is another strategy that many internet marketers use. You can write articles and submit them to article directories, with the idea that having articles out there for the world to see can get you traffic that you can convert them into referrals.

  9. Google Adwords. The difference between this method and the others is that this one actually costs money. You are actually getting Pay Per Click (PPC) traffic. Meaning you are paying people to check out your website and this can work out well, if you know what you are doing. (Costly)

  10. One of the more traditional ways to promote any opportunity is business cards. They have been effective for years and years because they are tangible, can be referred to later, and are taken/given with interest. That said, they can be a wonderful way to get GPT referrals. Create business cards with the address to your personal website suggested in Step 1. You can also include referral links for the GPT sites themselves on the cards. will give you 250 business cards for just the cost of shipping - which is typically around $5.00. Once you have your cards, distribute them at every chance you get. Be tactful, but aggressive. Leave your cards in waiting rooms, school boards, church boards, post office ad boards, community boards, grocery store boards, at the library, with store owners willing to display them, etc.

As you can see the above example give enough information on helping you find more referrals. Executing the above tips will help alot.


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